
The stepping stone to a creative degree

So you want to change your career path?

Access to Higher Education (A2HE): Your Catalyst for Change

Are you ready to reshape your career path? Introducing the transformative Access to Higher Education (A2HE) program, tailored for individuals aged 19 and above who are ready to embrace a new direction in their lives. This is your opportunity to hit reset on your career goals and turn those aspirations into reality.

Access to HE isn’t just a program—it’s your stepping stone to a full-fledged degree. Imagine it as your personalised roadmap leading to a future in your chosen creative field. 

Perhaps a creative route was never an option for you at college, or maybe you’ve now seen the rise in the creative industries and want to change your path; Access to HE serves as the bridge between your goals and your career.

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Check out our A2HE courses at ACC

What is Access to HE and What Does It Mean?

Access to HE is designed for individuals like you who are eager to make a career shift and embark on a new creative journey. It’s a focused program that provides you with the necessary skills, knowledge, and academic foundation to smoothly transition into higher education. To put it simply, it’s your step up to a degree that aligns with your aspirations.


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Key Aspects of Access to HE

Dive into a specialised curriculum that equips you with the tools to succeed in creative higher education. These tailored courses are designed to prepare you for the degree program of your choice.


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Career Transition Made Simple

Access to HE is built for career changers. Whether you’re shifting industries or redefining your path, A2HE empowers you with fresh skills and insights to confidently embrace change.





Join a Supportive Community

Connect with fellow learners who share your determination. Collaborate, exchange ideas, and cultivate relationships while embarking on this transformative journey.


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Fast-Track Your Dreams

We understand that time is of the essence. Access to HE isn’t a long-winded process—it’s an accelerated route to higher education. In just one year, you’ll elevate yourself, poised to thrive in a full-fledged degree program.


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Check out our A2HE courses