
Celebrating T Level Thursday at Access Creative College

Today is T Level Thursday and to celebrate, we’re taking a moment to dig into what T Levels are, why they’re so important to us here at ACC, and finding out what our students, tutors and the employers we work with think too. 


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T Level students wearing 'School of Computing' hoodies

For those who don’t know… what are T Levels? 

T Levels were first introduced in 2020 by the UK government, created to improve the delivery of technical education in Britain. Courses are developed in collaboration with real-world employers, with work experience built into the course, so students finish their studies with academic, practical and professional knowledge. 


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What qualifications are T Levels equivalent to and how many UCAS points are they worth?

T Levels are equivalent to 3 A Levels, and are worth up to 168 UCAS points.


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Where can T Levels take me?

Progression is similar to other qualifications. You can go on study a degree at university, move into an apprenticeship (check out our sister apprenticeship provider, Access Industry, for some options) or kick off your career in the working world. 


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T Level student programming on computer

What T Levels are offered at ACC?

We currently offer one T Level in Software Development, launched in 2021 and (as of February 24) offered at ACC Bristol, London and Norwich. We’ve created a bespoke curriculum that takes in AI, data science, problem-solving and algorithms, VR, cloud computing and other emerging technologies. 

As part of the course, learners participate in an industry placement of up to 315 hours with key local employers. This placement provides value to learners and tutors by reinforcing classroom learned skills in real-world environments, and it benefits employers by allowing them to contribute to the education of future staff, bring in fresh ideas and provide mentoring and other upskill opportunities for current staff. 

“Being a placement employer has been a really rewarding experience for both myself and my apprentice. Seeing Daniel develop over the few weeks/months that I’ve been working with him has been a real pleasure. He has become a very important member of my team and a really helpful hand with getting through the massive workload at the Academy. I hope that the experiences and skills that Daniel has acquired and will continue to acquire prove useful throughout his future career.” – Tristan Webster, Digital Education Lead for Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance.

The combination of both elements of the course provide a unique experience that sets learners up for success. 


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Are T Levels worth it? 

One of the most commonly asked questions is ‘are T Levels worth it?’ Here’s what our learners think about the course.

“I’d definitely recommend T Levels. They’ve taught me how to program through practical projects and helped me get an offer for an industry placement. I feel like I’m getting a very effective gateway into apprenticeships and jobs” – Cillian, T Level Software Development Student.

“I’m really enjoying this course as it improves my programming skills and we built an actual Pokédex! It also allows me to enhance my skills in an industry environment, which will better help me in my communication and teamwork in the future. The course sets me up perfectly for apprenticeships or jobs after college.” – Lucas, T Level Software Development Student.

It’s clear then that learners love T Levels, and their focus on practical, real-world work experience. And that combination of practical and academic skills is also why we love T Levels here at ACC, getting learners out there and interacting with the professional world, building future proof networks and a CV with experience fit for their needs. 


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What do our tutors think?

T Levels aren’t just great for our learners and employers; Tutors enjoy them too, with ACC Curriculum Lead for Computing, Michael Corker saying “Our Software Development T Level is a brilliant course for students who want to focus more on the practical side of software development. It gives them the opportunity to spend over a month actually working in a digital company and collaborating with professionals on real-world projects, and then go directly onto apprenticeships or employment. I wish I had a course like this available when I was at college!”


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T Level students working on computer together

What does the future look like for T Levels?

At ACC, we review our curriculums and develop them constantly. The qualification fits perfectly within our existing provision of BTECs and Access to HE courses, so watch this space for more T Levels in the future. Find out more about our T Level Software Development, or visit us in person to see our facilities and hear more about the course from our tutors at one of our campus events or by booking a campus tour.

Matt Thompson
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Last updated on: 1st August 2024